Ethics in Clinical Practice

Course Objectives

This online course examines and updates clinicians on laws and ethics involved in clinical practice. It is offered in three sections:

To Order Part I For 4 CEUs $44.00 Review And Update

To Order Part II 4 CEUs $44.00 Dual Relationships

Part III To Order 2 CEUs $22.00 Internet/Telecounseling

To Order This Course For 10 $110.00 CEUs

Need 6 CEUs Of Ethics?

Order Part I And III

Order Part II And III

The three- part format provides the clinician greater choice to fulfill the Ethics requirement.
Upon completion of this course the participant will :
be able to identify components of ethical professional conduct and be informed of the current rules and regulations or the CA Board of Psychology
be able to recite the legal issues regarding child abuse, elder abuse, 5150, patient/therapist privilege and Tarasoff issues.
be able to describe the significant issues and distinctions in boundary issues and dual relationships
be able to list current issues and proposed standards in cultural competence
be able to identify issues and laws that associated with informed consent, accountability, competence, scope of practice, client welfare, therapist welfare and confidentiality. as related to clinical practice, supervision and internet/telecounseling
This course meets the qualification for 10 continuing education credits for LCSWs and MFTs approved by the

California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners Provider #2387

The National Board for Certified Counselors #5803 approves this course for 10 CE.

NAADAC Provider # 379

Florida Board of Social Work, Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy #BAP 745
TX Board of Social Work #CS351

Table of Contents KENNETH POPE, PhD, ABPP has granted us permission to link to his site to provide access to his well known a respected work in this field. We are sure you will be very satisfied with the depth and understanding communicated in his work.

Part I Ethics Review and New Regulations (4 CE)
I. Introduction
A. Clinical Issues

1. HH Dalai Lama Quote

2. Challenge of Compassion and Boundaries in the Clinical Profession

B. Reconsidering the “Wounded Healer” Archetype
1. Chiron
2.National Survey of Psychologists' Sexual and Physical Abuse History and Their Evaluation of Training and Competence in These Areas

II. Ethical Challenges

A. Examining the Dilemma of Competence, Compassion and Personal Professional Limitations

B. “ Know and Care for Thyself” for Clinicians

1. Therapists' Anger, Hate, Fear, and Sexual Feelings
2. National Survey of Therapist Responses, Client Characteristics, Critical Events, Formal Complaints, and Training
3. Ethical Dilemmas Encountered by Members of the American Psychological Association
4. Ethics of Practice--Beliefs and Behaviors of Psychologists as Therapists
5.When The Therapist Doesn't Know What To Do- Some Steps That May Help
6. On Violating the Ethical Standards: 20 Easy Steps

II. Informed Consent
A.. Definition and Considerations for Psychologist and Client

1. Defining purpose and expectation

2. Clinician Disclosure

B. Regulations and Updates from CA Psychology Board
1. CA Board of Psychology links and Consumer Notice for Office

2. CA Psychology Board Patient Bill of Rights

C. Malpractice & Licensing Pitfalls for Therapists- A Defense Attorney's List
D. Avoiding Exploitive Dual Relationships- A Decision-Making Model
III. Accountability

A. Definition

B. Scope of Practice

C. Limits and Liabilities/ CA Patients Bill of Rights

IV. Confidentiality

A. Current State and Federal Definitions

1. HIPPA Pearson Assessments HIPAA Regulations

2. Privacy Issues in Current Climate

a. Ethics Codes & Practice Responsibilities in Providing Psychological Test Feedback to Clients

b. Guidelines for Assessment, Therapy, Counseling, & Forensics

B. Duty to Report

1. Child Abuse

2. Spousal Abuse

3. Elder Abuse

4. Child Custody Issues Treating Psychologists in Child Custody Cases: Prudent Professional Practice.

5. Suicide Responding to Suicide Risk

6. Tarasoff

a. Tarasoff and HIV

b. Tarasoff and Family Violence

c. The Tarasoff Case: Myths and Misconceptions by Howard Owens

C. Link to Effects of Confidentiality Limitations On The Psychotherapeutic Process by Howard B. Roback, Ph.D., Mary Shelton, M.S.

V. Conclusion

Part II. Ethics, Boundaries, Dual Relationships and Cultural Competence in Clinical Practice 4 CE

I. Confidentiality and Establishing Boundaries

A. Developing and Practicing Ethics

B. Definition of Dual Relationships

1.Dual Relationships- Trends, Stats, Guides, and Resources
2.Dual Relationships Between Therapist and Client- A National Study of Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Social Workers
3.Avoiding Exploitive Dual Relationships- A Decision-making Model
4.Ethical Decision-making and Dual Relationships
5.Sexual Intimacy in Psychology Training- Results and Implications of a National Survey
6.Sexual Attraction to Clients- The Human Therapist and the (Sometimes) Inhuman Training System
7.Prior Therapist-patient Sexual Involvement Among Patients Seen by Psychologists
8.Therapist-patient Sex as Sex Abuse- Six Scientific, Professional, and Practical Dilemmas in Addressing Victimization and Rehabilitation
9. The Importance of Maintaining Sexual Boundaries with Ex-Clients: A Review and Commentary* Donald W. Stewart, Ph.D.
II. Exceptions to the Rule?

A. Boundary Crossings vs. Boundary Violations Definition and Key Points Ofer Zur, PhD.

B. Out of Office Relationships Ofer Zur, PhD

C. Guidelines for Non- sexual Dual Relationships Ofer Zur, PhD

III. Ethics Gender, and Culture

A. Feminist Ethics

b. Possible Conflict with Multi Culturalism

B. Cultural Competence

1. Culture Counts: The Influence of Culture and Society on Mental Health, Mental Illness Racism, Discrimination, and Mental Health

2. National Standards for Healthcare Providers

IV. Conclusion


A. Review

B. Definition/ APA Statement

C. Ethical Considerations

1. Informed consent

2. Confidentiality

3. Competence and Training

4. Client Welfare

5. Client Suitability

D. Limitations, Liabilities and Advantages

This course meets the qualification for 10 continuing education credits for LCSWs and MFTs approved by the

California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners Provider #2387

The National Board for Certified Counselors #5803 approves this course for 10 CE.

NAADAC Provider # 379

Florida Board of Social Work, Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy #BAP 745
TX Board of Social Work #CS351

Right Use of Power: The Heart of Ethics by Cedar Barstow

Course Objectives

To Order Dimension I 3CEUs $33.00
To Order Dimension II 3CEUs $33.00
To Order Dimension III 3CEUs $33.00
To Order Dimension IV 3CEUs $33.00

Right use of power is a dynamic, inspiring, and relational approach to ethical awareness. In a time of great misuse of power, it offers sound guidance for an emerging ethic that brings compassion to power. Original and engaging, the approach highlights four dimensions of personal and professional power: Be Informed, Be Compassionate, Be Connected, Be Skillful. This course provides the skills to use power with heart. Cedar is a consultant and teacher on ethics issues. She has been designing, developing, and teaching this approach since 1994. Her background includes 20 years as a psychotherapist and 15 years as a teacher. She is the author of books and articles on ethics, counseling with elders, women and independence, and psychotherapy and spirituality.

Learning Goals for Right Use of Power: The Heart of Ethics

1. To know and accept the increased power that accompanies a professional role and to have a felt sense of the many impacts of this power differential.

2. To understand ethical codes as behavioral and attitudinal wisdom based on a history of experience and to be able to name categories common to most codes.

3. To be skillful in noticing the effect of your uses of personal and professional power especially when there is confusion or conflict.

4. To be able to name the responses most needed by clients to resolve instead of escalate difficulties and misunderstandings.

5. To understand self-care as an ethical issue and name risks to good judgment that may arise from lack of self-care.

6. To value power as the ability to have an effect and empathy (heart) as the guidance needed for the right use of power.

7. To describe the power spiral and name the four dimensions of this spiral process of increasing mastery.

8. To reframe ethical behavior and right use of power, in addition to intending no harm, as focused on reducing harm, repairing harm, and promoting well-being.

9. To be aware of and name typical dynamics associated with the power differential.

10. To be able to use the power spiral as a resource for ethical decision making.

11. To describe the difference between impact and intention.

12. To understand your personal power style and tendencies.

Dimension One: Be Informed

Overview..................................................... 17
Power Differential...................................... 23
Codes & Guidelines.................................... 35
Confidentiality............................................ 41
Dual Role Relationships............................ 49
Ethical Decision-Making 59
Violations & Statistics................................ 65

Dimension Two: Be Compassionate

Overview..................................................... 73
Personal Power.......................................... 77
Shame........................................................ 89
Non-ordinary States................................. 101
Touch....................................................... 107
Sexuality.................................................. 119
Transference............................................ 127

Dimension Three: Be Connected

Overview................................................... 135
Impact & Intention.................................. 139
Boundaries............................................... 145
Supervision & Support............................. 151
Resolving Difficulties................................ 155
Grievance Processes................................. 177
Referrals................................................... 183

Dimension Four: Be Skillful

Overview................................................... 189
Feedback.................................................. 195
Self-Care.................................................. 203
Influence, Values, Diversity 213
Leadership & Power Dynamics 223
Challenges............................................... 231
Soul Work & World Service 239

Appendix—Declaration of Human Rights 249

This course is approved for 12 ce hours( 1.2 CEUS) by the National Board for Certified Counselors #5803.
An online course meeting the qualifications for 4 continuing education credits for MFTs and LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners #2387

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing #13258 for 14.4 contact hours.

NAADAC Provider #389

TX Board of Social Work Provider #CS3518

Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling #BAP745

Safe Harbor I: Law and Ethics in Clinical Practice

Purchase Course

Course Objectives

Course 6 CEUs $66.00

This compelling online six unit course explores the laws and ethics involved in clinical practice, as well as examining the more universal ethics of restraint, compassion, virtue and discernment as enumerated by H.H. the Dalai Lama in his book, Ethics for the New Millennium. The authors invite us to experience life as a long sea journey in which clients engage the art of a shipbuilder (the therapist) to help them repair and maintain their vessels. Law and ethics are seen as the safe harbors along this route. This is a creative and comprehensive approach to one of the more difficult passages of our work.

Upon completion of this course the participant will be able to identify components of ethical professional conduct, be familiar with the legal issues regarding child abuse, elder abuse, 5150, patient/therapist privilege and Tarasoff issues. Students will be introduced to the H.H. Dalai Lama's model of ethical conduct and identify issues and laws that may be associated with informed consent, accountability, competence, scope of practice, client welfare, therapist welfare and confidentiality.

This course is approved by the:

National Board for Certified Counselors #5803 for 6 ce hours (.6 ceus)

California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners #2387 for 6 ce

CA Board of Registered Nursing #13258 for 7.2 ce

National Association of Social Workers #886366656
for .6 ce or 6 contact hours or 13 CEUS with Safe Harbor part II

NAADAC provider #389

Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling #BAP 745

Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board #MCS04023

Safe Harbor II: Law and Ethics in Supervision

Purchase Course

Course Objectives

Course 7 CEUs $77.00

This online seven unit course focuses on the supervision process and identifies relevant ethical issues and laws that may be associated with informed consent, accountability, competence, scope of practice, client welfare, therapist welfare and confidentiality. Dual relationships, liability and compensation are covered. Upon completion of this course the participant will be able to identify components of ethical professional conduct, be able to recite the legal issues regarding child abuse, elder abuse, 5150, patient/therapist privilege and Tarasoff issues.

This course is approved by the:

National Board for Certified Counselors #5803 7 ce hours (.7 ceus)

California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners #2387 for 7 ce.

CA Board of Registered Nursing #13258 for 8.4 ce

National Association of Social Workers #886366656 approves this course for 7 CEUS or 13 CE with Safe Harbor Part I

NAADAC provider #389

Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling #BAP745


Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board #MCS04023


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